Website Intake

Please use the form below to submit information that will help us get started with your project launch. If there is info you do not have or are still gathering, that is completely ok. The more thorough you can be in completing the form, however, the quicker we can make good progress together in getting your new website up and running.

Please provide an 8 digit mobile number for contact purposes.
Please share a direct link to the Drive folder where you will place your website copy, images, and other related documents.
Please provide login credentials (username and password) for your hosting account.) TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION MUST BE TURNED OFF on this account to facilitate ease of login during the build process.

Additionally, the login CANNOT be the login for your Google account. If you login to your hosting company with your Google Account you will need to update the hosting account with a new password in order for us to log in. This can be changed after the design project is complete if you like. When you update the hosting account password, DO NOT ENABLE TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION. Once you have changed your hosting account password to facilitate designer login, simply place the updated credentials in the field above.
Please provide links for all social media account icons you want included on your site. Please separate each link with a comma.
If you have a calendar (Google Calendar for instance) for your ministry, please copy and paste your calendar’s embed code and web address in the field above.
Please provide the hex number for your preferred color in the field above.
Please provide the hex number for your preferred color in the field above.
Please provide the hex number for your preferred color in the field above.
If you want this info on the website, please provide the business phone number, physical address, mailing address, and operating hours for your organization.
Please provide links to any websites which provide you with inspiration for your own site.
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